- Student & Parent Resources
- Dress Code
- Gradebook
- Graduation Information and Policy
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- School Bell Schedules
- Saturday School Schedule
- Social Emotional Curriculum- Wayfinder
- Non-Discrimination
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- DV Spirit Wear and House Shirts
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- STOPit- Anonymous Incident Reporting
- Student Handbook
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- Child Find- Special Education Services- LCOE
- 6th Grade Parent Orientation
- Bus Routes
- Diamond View School Bus Application
Dress Code
A school is a place of business, and students should wear clothing that is suitable for the pursuit of learning. Use common sense and do not wear clothing that is distracting, offensive, dangerous, or exposes too much skin. The staff is interested in the cleanliness and health of each student and requests that parents support our interest. As with any policy, the inclusion of all possibilities is problematic. The Diamond View staff may sometimes have to use its professional discretion regarding student dress.
Specific dress code expectations include:
Shoes: Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals may be worn with an attached back strap and a solid sole (flip flops and shoes with foam soles are not permitted). High heels must not be more than 2 inches. Athletic cleats are not to be worn at school.
Shirts: Must not expose the midriff, undergarments, or cleavage. Spaghetti straps and backless shirts are not allowed. Sleeveless shirts must cover the entire shoulder and underarm area.
Shorts & Skirts: Shorts and skirt hems (including skirt slits) must not be shorter than 4-5 inches above the top of the knee. Fingertip rules no longer apply, as arm length differs from person to person.
General Regulations:
- All pants and shorts must be at least to mid-thigh. No skin is to be shown any higher than mid-thigh.
- Undergarments must be covered at all times.
- Hats and sunglasses must be removed by both boys and girls inside the buildings.
Excessive metal accessories are not allowed, including chains, wallet chains, spikes, sharp protruding objects, safety pins as clothing, or other potentially dangerous items. In addition, bandanas and hair nets may not be worn at school.
Items directly or indirectly depicting or referring to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, violence, gangs, death, profanity, nudity, vulgarity, obscenity, scantily dressed characters, or other socially inappropriate messages demeaning to any race, religion, sex, or ethnic group or which advocates the violation of the law are prohibited.
If a student's dress disrupts the educational program at any time, the student will be required to change into appropriate attire. Students not following these guidelines must change clothing immediately and be assigned lunch detention.
- A second offense will result in a change of clothing and parent contact.
- A third offense will result in a change of clothing, detention, and a parent conference.
- Continued violations will result in further school discipline measures.